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Gen Y: Are You Getting The Whole Story?

Hey employers, Gen Y has a story for you, but you aren’t going to find it on their résumé, not even on LinkedIn.

Hey employers, Gen Y has a story for you, but you aren’t going to find it on their résumé, not even on LinkedIn.

I was at a social media breakfast last month and the panel discussed how a platform needs an audience before marketers start creating really compelling content for it. This makes sense. When organizations first realized they needed to have websites, they basically just slapped information from the company brochure online. It worked for a while, but websites needed to (and thankfully have) evolve way beyond that.

Millennials have the opposite problem. We’ve got content, but the online professional story we want to tell you is waiting for a platform.

If you’re looking to recruit Gen Y online, you’ll need to look beyond LinkedIn. The average LinkedIn user is 43 years old. So, you might not even be able to find us there. Gen Y is populating platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest, but professionally, they’re still bursting with content that needs a home.

LinkedIn is basically that company website with a brochure on it. Yes, it’s more dynamic than a paper résumé, but it lacks functionality when compared to the way Facebook and other platforms allow Gen Y to create the story of who they are.

To traditional employers, it probably looks bad when the Millennials’ résumés boast four jobs in the past three years. However, those four jobs may have prepared them to be the best possible new team members.

Gen Y wants to show you why. We’ve picked up different skills and insights from each work experience, and it might be just the right combination of things to make us the perfect fit for an organization. Unfortunately, résumés or even LinkedIn, traditionally the first place employers look, isn’t the place to tell that story.

It’s not surprising that résumés are coming in charts, videos and art projects these days. But Gen Y lives a digital lifestyle, and they want a professional persona online as well.

Perhaps will  help, a new platform where Millennials can curate a professional online image that really sells their strengths in a way they are already familiar with sharing information about themselves. tries to reach a balance between the way people share on Facebook and the desire to create a professional  persona online.

One thing’s for sure, we’ve got something to say, and we need a better way to say it.

Gen Y is different from Gen X and Baby Boomers. It makes sense that we communicate and share information in different ways. The way we represent ourselves professionally needs to be different too. For employers to find our professional stories compelling, they need to be willing to look through a different lens, a different non-traditional platform. Otherwise, you might be passing up the best talent and not even realize it. We don’t want you making that kind of mistake.


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