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Examples Of Successful Twitter Engagement With Generations X, Y And Z

As social media continues to evolve companies, associations and brands are searching for ways to connect with their employees, members and target markets–and vice versa–employees, members and consumers are using social media to connect, communicate and correspond with their employers, associations, brands and celebrities.

As social media continues to evolve companies, associations and brands are searching for ways to connect with their employees, members and target markets–and vice versa–employees, members and consumers are using social media to connect, communicate and correspond with their employers, associations, brands and celebrities.

Younger generations are no exception.


Twitter is a social media platform that has seen enormous growth is the past two years. Twitter currently has over 200 million users engaging in dialogue made up of 140 characters or less on a variety of topics.

My alma matter, American University in Washington, DC, hosted its very first Town Hall meeting on Twitter with the president of the University, President Neil Kerwin, last month with the intent of connecting with current students and recent graduates (those that have graduated within the last 10 years). The response and participation level was surprisingly successful because it met its target audience at the appropriate medium. The US Army is even using social media and Twitter to hold Town Hall meetings to reach Gen X and Gen Y recruits.


Brands are another channel that have effectively connected with Generations X, Y and Z via Twitter. In fact, one of the most buzz-worthy ads of the Super Bowl on Sunday wasn’t even a commercial — it was a mere tweet from Oreo during the blackout. The tweet  was retweeted more than 14,500 times and “liked” more than 20,000 times on Oreo’s Facebook page (and cost significantly less than 3.8 million dollar average cost of a Superbowl Commercial).

Celebrities have also found that Twitter applicable platform to engage their fan base. Lady Gaga is a celebrity that has had phenomenal success with engaging her target audience and fan base via Twitter, the majority who also happen to be members of Generations Y and Z. She has nearly 35 million followers on Twitter. Lady Gaga success stems from her personally leveraging Twitter to cultivate and strengthen relationships with her fans either by  directly talking to them or offering them exclusive content.

The magic of Twitter is that it allows people to engage in dialogue, vent and share viewpoints on common subject matters and, with the use of a hashtag, they can find others that are sharing thoughts on the same subject. Your organization or association is no exception. Twitter is a viable platform for reaching out to your younger generation of members, professionals or future leaders. When you construct strategies of how to engage your audience and succinctly relay your message in 140 characters or less, the opportunities for increased engagement between Generations X, Y and Z are endless.


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